Anxiety & CBD Questions & Answers

Does CBD oil really work for anxiety?

Fear is a normal and completely natural amotion. Overcoming fear is never easy. However, if fear prevents us from leading a normal life, then it might become an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental illnesses worldwide.
Psychotropic drugs can provide quick relief but, they can also have serious side effects in the long run and can even be addictive.
Many patients are therefore looking for natural alternatives.

Cannabidiol (CBD), a particularly effective active ingredient in the hemp plant, has now earned a positive reputation among anxiety patients.
Studies have shown that CBD relieves anxiety.
Does CBD oil really work for anxiety?

How does research answer this question?

In a 2020 scientific review which focused on clinical evidence for medical cannabis as a treatment for several psychiatric disorders the authors concluded their findings in this way:

Isolated positive studies have, however, revealed tentative support for cannabinoids (Namely cannabidiol; CBD) for reducing social anxiety; with mixed (mainly positive) evidence for adjunctive use in schizophrenia.
Case studies suggest that medicinal cannabis may be beneficial for improving sleep and post-traumatic stress disorder, however evidence is currently weak.

This means that CBD has it‘s potential to prove as a natural aid for anxiety but until then we need more research to establish that CBD is an option for managing anxiety.
Without sufficient high-quality evidence in human studies it is not possible to pinpoint effective doses of CBD to treat anxiety.